Node.js is a runtime environment that provides software components and interfaces to allow JavaScript code to run properly. Setting it up in the host...
A control panel is a popular tool used to manage your hosting account. You can use it to manage your purchased domain names, install applications,...
A favicon is a small image shown in the web browser tab when a user accesses your WordPress website. It helps users quickly recognize your site when...
If you need a scalable and flexible web hosting service, a virtual private server (VPS) plan is a great choice. However, setting up a VPS platform can...
For bloggers and content creators, setting up an online forum is a great way to establish a strong community. Even if you are not a developer, you can...
Being the most popular content management system (CMS), WordPress is a common target of cyber attacks. While the platform is safe, website owners must...
Webmin is a powerful web-based control panel for Unix-like systems, making server management easier and more accessible. One of its features is...
The open-source eCommerce platform OpenCart provides pre-built tools and features to create an online store more easily. It’s an excellent solution...
Your computer’s hosts file maps a domain name to its IP address. If you experience an unreachable web page or want to block a specific website,...